Smart Investments

In Nika Tech Family, by SMART INVESTMENT we mean the type of investment which is not limited by standard cash-out/cash-in deals, but also foresees an active involvement and assistance for portfolio business in scaling and sustainable growth.

Smart investments help achieve the quickest growth effect thanks to the synergy with NTF business eco-system and the value of the top expertise from the market brought in by NTF to the portfolio businesses.

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Benefits of Smart Investments
for Founders

Wider horizons
of business

We help find the ways to grow x10 where the previous forecasted growth of the business used to be x3.


We help businesses achieve the goals in a quickest possible turnaround thanks to the scaling strategy we come up with the founders.

from the market

We involve the highest authority mentors from your business niche to maximise the results. We can also assist in.


In NTF, we care not only how much the business starts earning, but also how effectively it is being done. Thus, we help optimise the business processes to make the work easier and more productive.

and change

We help define the most needed innovations to be implemented in the business at a given time, and help drive the transformations in the business units.

with NTF

Every portfolio company gets the perks of being a part of NTF Ecosystem, such as ability to partner with portfolio companies on the special conditions, or access to the networks and expertise of the portfolio businesses.

Strategy and Business Optimisation

Financial model
and unit economy

We help with structuring the financial model and calculating the unit economy of the business in order to scale your profitability

Scaling of the

We become parts of the board of the portfolio business, involve the experts in the needed directions and help scale the operations in all he needed business units, such as Bizdev, HR, Finance etc.


We help portfolio businesses come up with a strategy of growth. We assist with setting up the strategic sessions and help open the team’s potential to find the ways of growing to the needed scale.

Turnkey Business Units

New product/
service launches

We help the businesses define the segments on the market where they can get additional growth, and create the business units for occupying the segment. This can be a launch of a new product, service, new value offering for a certain type of a client.

New structure and
leadership for existing
business units

In case some business units are not mature enough for the growth, we help strengthen the core team of it, optimise the structure and achieve the scalability indicators.

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Boost of Business Development

Audit of the
ongoing business
development activities

With an aim of defining the strong points and areas
of improvement.

Sales funnel
and growth

We structure and grow the sales funnel in order to help business achieve its revenue goals.

Positioning and

We help portfolio businesses find the positioning that would target the right category of clients and serve as a growth asset.

the bizdev

Building the channel type of business development, where one channel serves as a regular source of sales funnel growth rather than a single-deal opportunity.

of marketing

Testing all the marketing activities of a business from the ROI perspective, defining the most productive ones and turning them into a systematic regular practise.


We build the LeadGen channels for the business from scratch using automated and manual approaches.

Establishing Strategic Partnerships

M&A Deals

Using the network, authority and social capital of the NTF ecosystem, we support the M&A activities of the portfolio businesses for getting the most win-win conditions.


In NTF, we help with selling the businesses and business units on the reasonable evaluation conditions, and raising the needed financing.


We help the portfolio businesses find the right partners for the mutual growth, and grant special conditions for the partnerships within the NTF ecosystem.

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